

The Walter E. Boehm Birth Defects Center gratefully accepts donations in various forms so that it can continue its mission to make a difference in the lives of individuals born with neural tube defects. All donations will be acknowledged with a letter mailed to you for your tax records.

Donate Online

Donate online through the Network for Good, a giving platform that allows for one-time donations or regularly scheduled contributions.

Donate by Mail

Please send gifts by mail in the form of checks, money orders, or certified checks:

Walter E. Boehm Birth Defects Center

975 E. 3rd Street

Chattanooga, TN 37403

Give a gift in honor of or in memory of someone special. We will mail a card to the individual or family to acknowledge that we have received a meaningful donation from you.

Donate Through Work

  • United Way: You may donate through your company's annual United Way Campaign by designating your contribution to the Boehm Birth Defects Center.
  • Federal Government Employees (CFC) : Donate through the annual Combined Federal Campaign. (CFC #76213)

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